Sixty-three years ago today, Maxwell Fyfe (1900-1967) began his interrogation of the leading Nazi defendant and the man remembered as one of history’s greatest monsters, Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering. In a letter to his wife Sylvia the following day, he described his performance compared to that of the US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, who had previously interrogated the commander of the Luftwaffe:
‘Friday morning, I think that my cross examination of Goering went off all
right. Everyone here was very pleased. Jackson had not only made no impression
but actually built up the fat boy further. I think I knocked him reasonably off
his perch.’
In another later, dated June 26th, 1946, he wrote:
‘Goering let out a rather good crack to the psychiatrist, I’m told by the press.
He said “Of course I know Sir David’s technique now, I can see the way he works
up to his point. It was very bad luck on me coming first and being
cross-examined before I had chance to observe”. I must take off my hat to the
old brigand. He keeps his interest up.’
He described his grandfather’s achievements at the Nuremberg:
‘In March 1946 Maxwell Fyfe’s cross-examination of Goering at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials began to pour light on the guilt of the leaders of the Third
Reich. It set the tone for the practical presentation of evidence to prove the
guilt of those in the dock. And Maxwell Fyfe followed it up with the forensic
destruction of von Ribbentrop, Doenitz and von Papen. Maxwell Fyfe’s performance
at Nuremberg was the springboard to a considerable political career. More
surprisingly, in the light of his conservatism, is that Nuremberg led him to
Strasbourg where he drafted the European Convention on Human Rights and chaired the committee that made the treaty law, commenting “Our lunatic century is
looking for a way of guaranteeing ordinary people a quiet life”.’
Further information and a temporary list of the papers are available on the website of the Churchill Archives Centre
For more information on how the Allies dealt with the unprecedented prosecution of genocide of the Nazi leadership, read our article Victors' Justice? The Nuremberg Tribunal
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