The Irish Times reports on the discovery of a burial ground in Donegal which shows that brain surgery was being carried out in Ireland in AD800.
“Hold onto the Hoard”
Tristram Hunt argues in The Guardian that the Staffordshire Hoard should be returned to the kingdom of Mercia where it was found.
We recently published an article by Tristram Hunt in our April issue. For further information, read No Marx without Engels in which he describes how Engels financed the research behind his friend Karl Marx’s Das Kapital.
‘It is time, perhaps, for Wolfe’s name to resonate as much as Nelson’s’
In an article on the website of The Times, Andrew Riley comments on how the 250th anniversary of James Wolfe’s victory over the French in Canada at the battle of Quebec has gone largely unnoticed in Britain.
The feature article of our September issue was devoted to the battle of Quebec. In General Wolfe's Men in Quebec, Stephen Brumwell argues that a crucial ingredient in Wolfe’s victory was the professionalism of the army he had helped to create.
Death of Vitaly Ginzburg
The Russian physicist who worked on Soviet atomic bomb project and later won Nobel Prize for physics in 2003 died in Moscow on Sunday, aged 93. Read the article on the Reuters website.
James VI of Scotland’s lavish spending
The Times reports on a recent study by Julian Goodare from the University of Edinburgh about James VI’s spending before his accession to the English throne.

Scottish campaign to preserve India’s imperial buildings
On the website of Herald Scotland Martin Williams reports on the recent announcement of a Scottish Government campaign to renovate some of the decaying imperial buildings in Kolkata associated with Scottish buildings and businesses.
November 9th is not just the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9th, 1938, Nazi Germany launched a pogrom against its Jewish population. Over 2,000 people died. On November 9th, 1918 the monarchy fell in Berlin and the German Republic was born. November 9th, 1923, is the date of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch. Read the article on the Spiegel Online.
Memories of the ‘Man who opened the Berlin Wall’
In an interview with Spiegel Online, Lieutenant-Colonel Harald Jäger, who was in charge of the East Berlin checkpoint at Bornholmer Strasse and was the first border guard to allow East Germans to cross over to the West, recalls his memories of the night of November 9th.
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